A stormy weekend

A stormy weekend
Stuben, Tuesday morning
Stuben, Tuesday morning

The temperature will go up 15 degrees in just a week time! The reason? The northern jetstream is shifting to a western jetstream.

Current conditions

The northern Alps received around 30-80 cm of freshies since Sunday evening. This front will move to the east today and will drop another 10-30 cm. The Alps currently have a snowcover which makes you think it’s mid-January already! The last snow will fall today and the bluebird will come out on Wednesday after a cold night. This will be the last cold night, because temperatures will go up! First chair alarm for the northern Alps on Wednesday. Be there, because the weather is gonna change!

Storm Nicki will bring rising temperatures

Short term

Nicki isn’t bringing that much good. She’ll bring is from mid-winter conditions to typical December conditions. The jetstream is just north of the Alps and this causes warmer temperatures to take over the Alps from the west. This means that the freezing level will rise rapidly, we can expect some snow from a southwest stau during the passage of the warmer fronts and the colder fronts will bring some snow in the northwest (and a dropping snowline).

Rising southstau till Wednesday

Because the details of a western jetstream can change rapidly this will be a forecast just with headlines. Expect a lot of wind in the higher alpine areas from Friday.


Cold and sunny. Great powder.


Dry, but rising temperatures. The southern föhn is kicking in. The first snow will in the western Alps at the end of the day. Still some nice powder to be found.


Snow in the southern parts of the western Alps (Ecrins). The snowline will be around 1400 meters. The southern föhn is getting stronger in the Northern Alps with rising temperatures. There’s still some nice powder to be found in the trees. There will be a strong wind in the higher alpine areas.


Westlage. The temperatures will rise, but in the inneralpine regions it will stay cold in the valleys. Stay out of the first parts of the Alps and typical föhn-valleys.


Cold front which causes the temperatures to drop. The snowline will be around 1200-1500 meters.

Long term

The western jetstream will be dominating the weather the next couple of days. It’s shifting from the north (warm and southwestern currents) to the south (colder and northwestern current) of the Alps. Expect changeable weather, a snowline yo-yo and lots of wind in the higher alpine. We’ll be update the forecast when we can say more about the details.

Stay Stoked


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