Powderalert for the Ice coast

Powderalert for the Ice coast

Alerts are on for the Ice Coast, interior BC and the higher elevations of the Cascades and Coastal BC.


Surprise powder

Alta woke up with with a foot+ of powder yesterday. Where the models announced 4-8 inches, the lake effect was on swing and topped it up ta a foot. A nice surprise and not that much people out there. And this proves once again that we still have a lot to learn about powder and forecasting. But hey, there is nothing as good as suprise powder. I hope you did enjoy it.

The Ice Coast

This alert is on the maps already for a few days so you’d better start you engines. Huge snowfalls are expected to reach out over Southern New England this morning and work it’s way North into New Hampshire, Vermont and Southern Maine during the day. Heavy snow is expected from Wednesday till Thursday. Sunday River and Sugarloaf might be on there best on Thursday. As a new low is moving in on Thursday over central and northern Vermont on Thursday another dump is expected overthere.

Interior and coastal BC

Meanwhile in the west a new storm is moving in with warmer air. Snowlevels will go up the next few days so for sure this will not be the dump of the century. Wednesday will be cold, but snowlevels might be around 2000m/6000 ft around Friday/Saturday. A cold sector will be moving in on Saturday/Sunday, so Sunday might be the best moment. More details to come.

Stay stoked


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