Dylan Siggers skis better than you

Dylan Siggers skis better than you

This is not just another season edit. Nope. This is the season edit of one incredibly talented skier. Meet Dylan Siggers. Skier. We were lucky enough to ski with in the CMH Gothics lodge a couple of seasons ago. Or should we say: watch him ski. This young gun does some amazing stuff. Enjoy his season edit!

was born with maps of ski areas in the cradle and has visited almost all of them. His great passion is freeriding.


AnonymeAuteur1 octobre 2015 · 10:30

Wow! Those jumps with only one ski at the end. Crazy!!!

AnonymeAuteur1 octobre 2015 · 15:19

My school is old. But even if it was new… This kid’s school is newer. Awesome!

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