And the dump continues

And the dump continues
Al 70 cm of freshoes @Kleinwalsertal
Al 70 cm of freshoes @Kleinwalsertal

Up to 130 cm of fresh powder in the Beaufortain, and another 30-60 cm to come, powderalert#7, sunny skies on Saturday and Sunday and even more freshies to come.

Current conditions

Jep, we made it. Up to 120 cm of frehies at the French Beaufortain and Tarentaise. But beware, above treelevels the wind was strong, there is an old fragile layer and a lot of fresh snow. Which means danger of avalanches! Yesterday a tragic incident was reported from Tignes. An average of 70-90 cm fell in the Savoie and Haute Savoie, as well in Wallis and the Alpennordhang. The Gotthard region, Voralberg, Kleinwalsertal and the Arlberg recieved about 40-70 cm, further east and south they got 10-30 cm.

Average snowdeck Swiss at 2000 m. above sealevel.
Average snowdeck Swiss at 2000 m. above sealevel.

Short term

Storm Karin tracking South at the moment towards the northwestern Alps. Just before noon the first flakes will come down at the French Alps and West Switzerland. Karin is a relative smaal storm that will rapid track further South, though I do expect 30-50 cm of fresh powder from Grenoble till the Kleinwalsertal.

Hints for your weekend

Be aware that above treelevels avalanche danger is high. So you better chose destinations with trees and stay belowe the treelevel. This weekend a lot of resorts will open their lifts. Like les Marecottes, Areches Beaufort, Flaine and Les Carroz, Ovronnaz, Nendaz, a lot of resorts in Voralberg and some smaller resorts in the Swiss Alpennordhang. Enough resorts with trees to chose from. If you don’t know where these are, check our bad weather destinations hints.

Treeruns wil be safer than high alpine areas.

Nordstau after the weekend?

A new storm will track south from Sunday on Monday. At this moment the exact stormpath is still unpredictable but it looks like the Northern and Northwestern Alps will see some flakes. More details to come

Stay stoked.


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