Freeriding in the Arlberg

Freeriding in the Arlberg

Stefan Häusl launched his new film today. It’s 18 minutus of serious freeriding in St. Anton am Arlberg, Stuben, the rest of the Arlberg region and some lines in the Pitztal. You can tell that Stefan Häusl and Björn Heregger have been around for a while! The movie is called DASEIN, which translates into English as ‘BEING THERE’

Be there for each other

Like most of the freeride films nowadays, DASEIN has a story. Well, story…it’s more like a theme. It combines the skills of Stefan and Björn with the why. You have to be there for your buddies on the mountain, but you also have to be there for your family at home. And that’s someting that a lot of freeriders struggle with.

was born with maps of ski areas in the cradle and has visited almost all of them. His great passion is freeriding.
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