Pudderalert Norway

Pudderalert Norway

Do you think that the southern Alps are too far away? Than Norway might be an option, especially since the resorts east of the Norwegian alpine ridge will get a lot of snow. There already is a snowpack of 50-120 centimeters in the resorts and there’s more to come.Current snowcover in Norway

The low pressure area Helga is the reason for the snowfall. It’s pushing snow against the eastern flank of the main alpine ridge from the southeast to east. It’s cold, the days are short and the snow dry. The Norwegians solve the problem that the days are short by using lots of artificial lights. You can ride powder in the evening. It’s a pretty awesome experience.

Check out the four-day forecast for Norway. You can expect the most snow in the far south. Unfortunately, that’s the part where there’s not much freeride to be found.Nice colors!

You’ll have to go north. The most famous place is Hemsedal. They already have a pretty goog snow cover and it will be even better with the snow to come. Raudalen is a good alternative. Small and unknown with nice tree runs. The locals work hard to glade the runs and cut some trees every summer to make the skiing better. You’ll find more resorts here.

It won’t be as deep as it will be in the southern Alps, but it’s much colder in Norway and the snow all be lighter. Cold smoke blower pow baby! And with some luck, there will be fresh snow every day.

Stay stoked


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