Film for the weekend: Head Straight

Film for the weekend: Head Straight

For every season there is a story to tell. These stories mean just as much to the sport as the riding itself and can make or break the overall experience. Behind each shot is a name, a talent and a tale of success, struggle and heart. Just as the snowflakes we worship, no two stories will ever be the same. This is the story of the guys from Chaoz Productions.

Head Straight

“Head Straight” is an exploration of Chaoz Productions’ sixth season of movie making. With the introduction of new riders and the return of familiar ones, comes a tale triumph over every terrain Norway has to offer. From big mountain and backcountry lines to urban hits and big park features, each rider adds a new piece to the puzzle. Come pull back the curtain and see first-hand how they managed to keep our Head Straight this season.

was born with maps of ski areas in the cradle and has visited almost all of them. His great passion is freeriding.
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