PA #10: DEEPER and a northern Stau as dessert

PA #10: DEEPER and a northern Stau as dessert
Powder Galore
Powder Galore

BAM! Norbert does its thing. It is ON in the south and west of the Piedmont. Not much later, the eastern parts of Lombardy and the Southern Alps East are next to get some more snow and PowderAlert #11 will follow right after with snow for the northern Alps. Will it get any better than this? If you want to ride bottomless powder, now is the time to get in your car. No holiday crowds, relatively quiet and great tree runs. If you bother about the higher alpine right now, than you make it too difficult for yourself. This is the time of pillows, bouncing between trees and spotting the corridors. Above the tree line… well, that’s a different story. The snow is unstable, the problems in the snow cover will be still there for a while to say at least and might even get worse because of the wind. It’s up to you, but I choose the runs between the trees the coming days. You know what they say… the best freerider is an old freerider.It’s ON in the south

Storm Norbert is getting stronger and will drop its snow in the southern Alps. Especially in the southern Piedmont it’s going to be deep. The go-to destinations are probably known and I mentioned them before, but hey, let’s make sure you’ll end up in the right place. In resorts such as Limone Piemonte, l’Argentera and Crissolo it’s going to be deep. The same applies to the resorts in the western Piedmont and the eastern part of the Queyras. Prali, Bardonnechia, Via Lattea etc. Be sure you’re out there on Thursday for the better larch forests. Your patience will be rewarded. But mind you … the more north you go, the less snow you’ll find. Go south! That’s the answer.

A PowderAlert is ON from Thursday in:

Na donderdag breidt de neerslag zicht uit richting de Dolomieten, de ooststau van de Lombardia en Karinthië. Vanaf vrijdag is het daarmee ook aan in de:

After Thursday the precipitation extends towards the Dolomites, the eastern stau regions of Lombardia and Carinthia. Starting on Friday it’s ON in the:

It’s even on in the Apennines. What’s holding you back? Paste, powder, exotic. These are the months that you can escape the usual suspects and explore resorts that 99% of the riders have never heard of. What about Cimone, Corno alle Scale (Emilia-Romagna) and Abetone (Tuscany). Thanks to @VikingAlosa. It was on in the not that well-known Schwarzwald last week (check out the article tomorrow on wePowder), but now it’s on in the exotic Apennines.990 hPa in the Mediterrenean = powder galore

In short

What are you waiting for? Start your engines and GO!

  • It’s ON in the northwest of the Alps

  • Avalanche danger still critical in large parts of the Alps

  • Lots of snow on the road in large parts of the southern Alps and the east of Austria

  • It will snow till the beginning of next week

  • PA#11 from Sunday for the northern Alps

  • High pressure will dominate after that and a (light) temperature inversion

Stay stoked!




AnonymAutor5 Februar 2015 · 08:01

Goodmorning Wepowder!
I have a short question for you guys. We are approaching the alps and will be staying next week at least. So forecast is telling us go east/north east of Milano but not much has happened here eralier int the season? So how is the base over in for ex… Cortina?
Is Cortina north enough or should we go all the way nort, say Oubertauern.
Great website!

best regards!

VignaFreshnessBallsAutor5 Februar 2015 · 08:13

Hello Morris, Henry, VikingAlosa, Bombero, PicciaPauder. All the comrades fresh must hear the call of the Apennines, the last week good condition, but the only goal for the fierce cool is Febbio 2000 The higher altitude possible beyond the forest, waiting impatiently to take you to the best lines, the appointment is this weekend, because our old and romantic plants do not rotate in the week. An example of the largest freeride contest in past years,'alta+quota&Topic_Title=Sabato+18%2F03+Big+Randevouz\
This is a piece of the great history of\
If you believe my words will not be disappointed, and attention to false leads of my essay VikingAlosa mate;-))))))))))))))))))))))).
But watch out for avalanches, here are frequent … !!!
The storm is on … now … !!!
We will update you once and for you to want to get back to doing 500km … !!!

meteomorrisAutor5 Februar 2015 · 09:07

@Eskil#6 better head west towards Prali, Via Lattea, Crissolo etc…
or even the Appenines.

@@VignaFreshnessBalls Thanks for the update… webcams look great!
Matteo_DGAutor5 Februar 2015 · 09:27

At Cortina the base is very thin, with the only exception of the Passo Giau, Passo Falzarego and the northen exposition above 1800m…
Under the treelines is quite impossible to ski.

AnonymAutor5 Februar 2015 · 09:58

Hi Morris
We’re going somewhere within 3h driving from Geneve next week (first day skiing 11th feb, last 14th).
Thinking about Via Lattea, but then where getting there 4-5 days after PA#10.

Seems like high pressure is going to dominate the whole area from this weekend.
Do you think PA#11 could reach West alps North ? (e.g. around Morzine?)
(driving to Austria is not a option now)


AnonymAutor5 Februar 2015 · 10:07

Thx @@meteomorris… say that our first skiday will be Sunday, do still think we sould go west? Im just concerned about the signs of warm temperatuers coming in for next week? We are mobile (car) but it seems far start out west and then go east if the freezing level ends up around 2500 m? Still i trust you, worked well so far.

AnonymAutor5 Februar 2015 · 10:38

my dear VignaFreshnessBalls…i suggest u Piancavallaro…with fasultein included…top spot!

NielsAutor5 Februar 2015 · 17:57


It is safe to start in the Southern Alps west. I don’t expect temps to rise that much, 0T at 2000m probably from Monday. You might want to move to the northern Alps on Monday anyway, since the next storm hits them. I think they will be good from Tuesday.


I should focus on PA11 and forget about the south. But chances on proper snow increase if you can stretch your radius to 4-5hrs by car. Maps are favouring the central and eastern parts of the northern Alps at the moment. But it is still quite far ahead and small differences in charts can change a lot.

meteomorrisAutor5 Februar 2015 · 19:26

@Eskil#6 Don’t afraid. @@Niels is right. It is a high pressure area that might cause the temperatures to rise. Don’t expect to much of it. You might see a slight temperature inversion during the day. South slopes will get affected by the sun, but the rest will stay cool and fresh. Especially in the woods the snow will remain fluffy.

@@Arild, 3h drive… I would suggest Via Lattea. A lot of woods where the powder remains fresh.
The north west will not see any fresh powder the next few days.
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