Check out this amazing footage from Chile

Check out this amazing footage from Chile

Winter is getting closer in Europe. The days are getting shorter and temperatures will eventually start dropping. But not in South America. Winter is in full swing over there. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to ride in Chile, check out this amazing edit with Jake Blauvelt. Glaciers, amazing terrain, powder and the awesome mountains in Chile. Watch it and you simply can’t wait to hit the powder again in Europe!


Only downside to this edit: where are the backpacks? You see the riders wearing them in one shot, but not wearing them in the next. As we can’t say anything about the conditions and circumstances of the shoot we’d strongly recommend you always to carry an avalanche transceiver, shovel and probe when you decide to get out in the backcountry.

was born with maps of ski areas in the cradle and has visited almost all of them. His great passion is freeriding.


AnonymAutor29 August 2016 · 12:21

Chili looks like a destination I have to visit one day. It looks beautiful. It’s good that you mention the avalanche safety stuff. Good job!

AnonymAutor29 August 2016 · 14:13

Hate to be a smartass. But Chili and Chile are two very different things :-). Keep up the good work!

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