It's warm in the Alps!

It's warm in the Alps!

Les Diablèrets through Powfinder

Way to warm, wet snow avalanches, NAO-index is getting positive and temporarily some snow.

Current conditions

The reports on Powfinder said it all on Sunday. Just too warm. Who turned on the heating? Images of wet snow avalanches and desperate questions where to find powder. We also got some questions through Twitter and Facebook. But I’m afraid I’ll have to disappoint you. Monday will be even warmer than Sunday, and the temperatures will go up to 15 to 19 degrees (yes, that’s not a typo) in some föhnvalleys. Exceptional high temperatures for Christmas Eve. There’s still some powder to be found on north faces though and that’s where you’ll have to search if you want to ride some freshies. It’s also colder in the forests of the inneralpine valleys.

Short term

Christmas Day will be exceptionally warm in the northern Alps (around 12-16 degrees). In the meanwhile, a new front is coming and as a result the wind will get stronger.

Stronger south föhn from Monday

The first snow will fall south of the Alps. In the night from Christmas Day to Boxing day and on Boxing Day itself it will start snowing in the French Alps. The snow line is dropping to 1200 meters. It will be colder in the Alps from Thursday, but….

Only temporarily

Yes, it will only temporarily be colder. Temperatures will rise after the 28th. It won’t be as warm as today, but warm enough to prevent you from riding powder. You’ll find the best conditions on Wednesday and Thursday in the French northern Alps. And that probably will be the last powder for this year.

Positive NAO-index

The NAO-index is getting positive again and on average this is bad news for the Alps (too dry and too warm) and good news for Scandinavia (powder at the west coast).

NAO positive tot in 2013
NAO positive tot in 2013

Powder in 2012?

Your best chance for powder is in the western Alps on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. You’ll find the most freshies there and dropping temperatures. If you’re really dedicated, head over to Norway or North America. It’s winter over there and this will defenitely be until the beginning 0f 2013.

Stay stoked


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