PowderAlert #10 is ON!

PowderAlert #10 is ON!
QmaaertenQ yesterday in Revelstoke
QmaaertenQ yesterday in Revelstoke

It was deep yesterday in Revelstoke. Sometimes even too deep. Faceshots all day. I’m ready to leave Canada and I’m waiting at the Calgary Airport. The snow was great, the lines were nice and the people amazing. Fortunately, snow is on its way to the Alps!Snow from Monday

It was warm again in the Alps on Saturday and it will be even warmer today (Sunday). The freezing level will go up to 2500 meters and winter seems far away. But winter is about to return in the western and southern Alps. Monday will start with sun, but clouds will come in rapidly from the west. The snowline will be around 1600 meters at first, but it will drop to 1000 meters in the evening.Southern Föhn

The Föhnchart is showing the incoming fronts. The current will turn southwest on Monday and that will result in a southern Föhn in Switzerland. Not really strong, but enough to tell that snow is on its way for the western and southern Alps. It will snow heavily in the western and southern Alps on Tuesday and Tuesday night. You can expect around 50-90 centimeters.

The northern Alps might get ten centimeters or so on Wednesday/Thursday, but not enough to ride some powder. No, you want to be in the western and southern Alps from Tuesday to Thursday. More details on Monday!

Stay stoked


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