100cm fresh! We need to get going!!

100cm fresh! We need to get going!!

A guy told me one time, “Don’t let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner.”

And then came PA#11. Morris put an alert online, powder snorkels illustrating the report. And my feeling was pretty much that of Neil McCauley (Robert de Niro) in his epic dialogue with Vincent Hanna (Al Pacino) in the movie heat. I had to move! Head over too Nice and dive into some fresh pow!

Unlike Neil McCauley, I am (almost) married, so I did need to ask for permission from the boss at home to walk away in 30 second. It being the 5th weekend I left to score some pow leaving her alone, she was able to negotiate the 30 second into a day of cleaning the house, doing laundry and shopping before I could actually go. Friday I took a flight from Barcelona to Nice and met a friend on the airport where we took of to the south-eastern Alps of France. And boy was it dumping.

There was so much snow that Isola 2000 and Auron were entirely closed off from the civilized world because of a landslide and avalanches blocking the access road. (Exactly where we had booked our hotel) So eventually we ended up in Valberg by a last minute booking of and a phonecall to a hotel in the Village.

Next day we met up with another friend from wePowder who was living close by and started scoring POWDER. Saturday brought 40 cm of freshies and over the night and during Sunday another 60cm of POW. The avalanche danger went up to four, but we still managed to find loads of good & safe treeruns and with 60 cm of fresh on the secured slopes there was no complaining!

Want to see what is was like. Check out the GoPro edit below! I´m off, got some cleaning to do!



AnonymeAuteur21 janvier 2014 · 15:44

Your girlfriend… I think you should marry her ;-))

henwildieproAuteur21 janvier 2014 · 15:45

I am sure when you show this video to your future wife she’ll insist joining you anytime, anywhere powder is

Pistes, zijn dat niet die platgereden stukken tussen de poeder?
joosthAuteur22 janvier 2014 · 11:25

She is the best! I´m one lucky guy!!! :) Hope she will join me!

Dive in nose deep
Ne manquez plus rien !

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