The thriller continues: when will the winter come back?

The thriller continues: when will the winter come back?

A quick update about the weather in the Alps. The sad thing is that nothing really changed. High pressure is still dominating the weather in the Alps. Resorts are working overtime to provide the slopes with artificial snow. The nights are cold and clear, so the snow cannons can do their job. White ribbons can be found on green alpine meadows in the Southern Alps. In the French Northern Alps, northern Switzerland and the west of Austria you can go touring.

Not that good in the southern Alps
Not that good in the southern Alps
Great conditions in the Lötschental (c)Menno Boermans
Great conditions in the Lötschental ©Menno Boermans

The high pressure area will be around for a while, but the Alps could get some snow in the middle of this week. There’s also some instability on the maps for the long term, but it’s not that reliable. Will winter come back on the 12th of December, the 18th of December or will it be Christmas? It’s still speculation and we have to be patient. I could stare at the maps for hours, but they won’t change and won’t become more reliable. The next update tomorrow!

Stay stoked,

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