Live: Great powder in the Kleinwalsertal

Live: Great powder in the Kleinwalsertal

Kleinwalsertal was the destination to score some great powder. I was riding with Manoni, Haas and Morris today and it was deep. Around 115-130 cm came down last week and Morris was right with his northern Stau. It was a great day. Perhaps the best day so far this winter. Bluebird, powder and a great crew. We saw the first signals of a warm front coming in at the end, but today was perfect!

was born with maps of ski areas in the cradle and has visited almost all of them. His great passion is freeriding.


-Patrick-Auteur18 janvier 2016 · 23:28


Share the Stoke and leave no harm, Together we watch out for our Home.
kanskiAuteur19 janvier 2016 · 00:06


Never ski faster than your guardian Angel can fly!
WilliAuteur19 janvier 2016 · 10:32

I agree it was dumping in the klein walsertal!!!

Ne manquez plus rien !

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