Will winter arrive in the eastern Alps?

Will winter arrive in the eastern Alps?

The weather maps are going back and forth for ten days already. They’re showing cold air coming in from the north the one day, but that same cold air is being directed to the east the other day. There still is some uncertainty in the maps… But, there are some indications that cold air will come in from the north. On the flanks of a growing high pressure area (that will bring some nice weather to western Europe next week) cold air is sucked in from the north and is send to the east of Austria. The air pressure is pretty high, but it looks like a so-called upper-level-low (a low pressure system in the upper parts of the atmosphere filled with cold air) is heading to Austria and it might bring some snow between the 2nd and 4th of October.

Upper-level-low above Denmark
Upper-level-low above Denmark

I’m saying ‘might’ for a reason, because the high pressure system will only have to grow a little bit bigger and everything will be pushed away to the east. Nothing is certain, but the weather maps have become more positive the last 24 hours. Check out this image on our snow maps:

It will be nice to wake up on Monday and check out the webcams with some white images of the Alps. Especially since really cold air might drop to the east of Austria after the snowfall. More about that on Sunday. You can check out our snow maps of the Alps to check out the snowfall yourself.

Stay stoked



AnonymeAuteur2 octobre 2016 · 01:44

The model guidance seems to suggest several changes for high elevation snows over the next week or so, especially in Austria (and east). To my eye it looks like snow levels could tickle 1000m mid or late week across a relatively large area. It will surely feel like a seasonal transition.

Does anybody know where to find forecast model soundings/skew-Ts?

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