Trailer Depth Perception - Travis Rice

Trailer Depth Perception - Travis Rice

Deep in winter, and even deeper in British Columbia, you’ll find more than just one of the world’s best places to ride — around every corner, some wild natural phenomena seems to be taking place. Quiksilver proudly presents Depth Perception, Travis Rice’s latest brain child starring fellow Quiksilver riders Bryan Fox, Austen Sweetin, Roxy’s Robin Van Gyn and the master himself.

British Columbia > CMH Galena!

Set in the transfixing layers of BC’s temperate forest, the furthest inland rainforest in the world, Depth Perception returns to the roots of snowboarding and portrays the unique connection each rider shares with nature. The movie sucks you into a supernatural wonderland and invites you to enjoy some of the finest free riding this planet has to offer. It’ll make you laugh, make you learn and most of all, make you want to ride.

was born with maps of ski areas in the cradle and has visited almost all of them. His great passion is freeriding.


Bart-FirstAuteur16 octobre 2017 · 04:00

Looks soo sick!!

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