Snowboarder gets caught by an avalanche in Tignes

Snowboarder gets caught by an avalanche in Tignes

This snowboarder was riding in the backcountry in Tignes and triggered an avalanche. He managed to release his airbag and could prevent himself from being completely covered. Definitely some scary moments for this guy.

Right gear, right knowledge

Always go out with the right gear (avalanche beacon, shovel and probe) and always check the latest avalanche forecast and adapt your plans to it. If you don’t have the right knowledge, go out with a mountain guide!

Discount on Mountain Academy

Want access to the most comprehensive online backcountry snow safety courses for skiers and snowboarders? Use code “TIMETOPLAY1718”, valid until the beginning of March, to get access for only 9€ (Reg: 29€). Go to Mountain Academy and start now!

was born with maps of ski areas in the cradle and has visited almost all of them. His great passion is freeriding.


bdrumAuteur13 mars 2018 · 10:30

For anyone wondering where this is, it’s a line above the Lanches chairlift and the piste you can see is Double M.

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