Purple Mountains with Jeremy Jones

Purple Mountains with Jeremy Jones

Our outdoor playgrounds are in peril and the American votes this November will decide their future. Professional snowboarder and living legend Jeremy Jones has watched winters change drastically during his 45 years spent in the mountains. More extreme weather, fewer snow days, and economic strain on mountain towns.

Conversation is key

And yet, climate change remains a divisive issue. In the new film Purple Mountains, Jeremy seeks common ground in the heart of America’s purple states, having honest discussions with individuals who don’t see eye to eye with him.

was born with maps of ski areas in the cradle and has visited almost all of them. His great passion is freeriding.


NicZHAuteur8 novembre 2020 · 13:13

nice one, thks for sharing.
Let’s see if Biden’s election improves the alarming picture but Senate could stay republican though

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