Snow for the high alpine in the Alps on Wednesday

Snow for the high alpine in the Alps on Wednesday

It is still feels like an Indian Summer in the Alps today and Tuesday. The temperature is 25 degrees and you wouldn’t suspect that one meter of snow is currently falling in parts of the US and Canada. The images from across the pond also seem almost unreal. Yet there are some first signs of winter coming up for the Alps.

A storm depression called Nils pulls out onto the mainland and opens the door on Wednesday for a strong current from the northwest. First of all, that leads to a lot of rain in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday. But on Wednesday, the current becomes right north and cold air sinks to the south. The cold air that’s already there gets stuck between the main alpine ridge and the cold air after which it starts snowing. The snow line drops to 2000 meters on Wednesday, but may temporarily drop a little further in the night to Thursday. The immense cold front of Wednesday isn’t the only interesting thing about the maps below. You can also see Hurricane Lorenzo on Wednesday’s map, that’s moving via the Azores to the British Isles. A class 5 hurricane that is expected to merge into a huge ‘normal’ storm depression at the end of this week.


The drop in temperature is the difference between a t-shirt or a jacket. It will be 25 degrees locally on Tuesday, but the temperature will not rise higher than 15 degrees on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday. You probably won’t be surprised that such a drop in temperature results in snowfall. Below the calculated snowfall up to and including Thursday.

Calm weather returns to the Alps after Thursday. Although it is colder, the sun will come out again. It is definitely too early for a powder trip, but it shows the dynamics in the air. The North Pole is slowly cooling down as the sun is showing itself less and less, the first snow falls in Siberia and Canada, the Atlantic Ocean is still warm with hurricanes as a result and the jet stream is shifting due to the temperature differences between the cold north and the warm south.

In short, more and more dynamics that will bring snow to the Alps from time to time. It is time to start with getting stoked: our forecast maps have fresh runs ready every morning!

Stay stoked,

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