Up to 200 cm of fresh snow already in the Abruzzo in Italy!

Up to 200 cm of fresh snow already in the Abruzzo in Italy!

It’s snowing like crazy in central Italy. Ski resorts just a two hour drive of Rome got the motherload. And not only the ski resorts, but also the villages in the valley got a lot of snow. The snow line is around 100-500 meter at the moment and you can expect more snow the next 48 hours.

Monte Rapina (Massiccio del Morrone)
Monte Rapina (Massiccio del Morrone)
Macerata (730 m.)
Macerata (730 m.)
The roof of the Defender
The roof of the Defender
Where's the ski lift
Where’s the ski lift

Storm Finjas is responsible for this snowfall. Its eastern current brings in a mixture of cold air from Russia and humid air from the Adriatic Sea to the central Apennines (Abruzzo). This low pressure area determines the weather in central Italy till Friday. The snowline will rise to 1300 meters. A new storm is expected after the weekend.

Storm Finjas
Storm Finjas

Ski resorts like Campo Felice, Campo Imperatore, Ovindoli Monte Magnola and Scanno Monte Rotondo are situated in the Abruzzo. If want to read some more information, check out this website. You can fly to Rome and find some accommodation here. And yes, there’s a shitload of snow in the Abruzzo. Check out the video below:



meteomorrisAutor18 Januar 2017 · 15:17
AnonymAutor19 Januar 2017 · 20:51

Sad sad news and a harsh reminder to us all.

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