Winter forecast 15/16: it will be a snowy winter

Winter forecast 15/16: it will be a snowy winter

We published the forecast of Sepp Haslinger a couple of weeks ago. A lot of you watched his video, but the message was a good one. Based on the length of the Königskerze he told us that winter 15/16 would be the winter we’ve all been waiting for.

But Sepp Haslinger isn’t alone. There’s another forecaster (in every meaning of the word) with his expectations for winter 15/16. Horst Nöbl is a weather prophet from Saalfelden in the Austrian Salzburgerland. He’s has been analyzing relationshop between the snowfall and the signals the nature is giving for over 45 years. He’s looking at stuff like: how much honey come from the bees, the length of specific plants and this results in his winter forecast.

Will it be this good?
Will it be this good?

His winter forecast isn’t online yet, but he mentioned some interesting facts. In an interview with Österreich he’s telling that there will be a lot of snow this winter! In „Waldhonigjahren“ gibt es doppelt so viel Schnee als in Jahren, in denen die Honig-Ernte schlecht ausfällt. Dieses Jahr war die Ernte gut, also wird der Winter schneereich. „Wir werden dieses Jahr recht ordentliche Schneehöhen bekommen“. Basicly he says: there’s a lot of honey, so there’ll be a lot of snow. Let’s hope he’s right.

In Nachrichten he says something similar about the length of the thistles. "Die sind heuer im Pinzgau so hoch gewachsen wie seit Jahrzehnten nicht mehr mehr!" Gleiches gelte auch für das enorme Wachstum der Weiden nach ihrem Rückschnitt im Frühjahr. Beides wertet Nödl als Vorzeichen eines schneereichen Winters.

Sepp Haslinger and Horst Nöbl agree. Winter 15/16 will be one to remember. There’s only one BUT. Horst Nöbl isn’t always right. His track record isn’t that good. But… Sepp Haslinger is pretty confident. „Ich habe mich noch nie geirrt. Die Königskerze lügt nicht.“ Wax up!



PhloAutor19 Oktober 2015 · 15:50

This is the sweetest weather pattern ever…lotsa honey -> lotsa snow.
Life can be so simple!

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