These ski areas are already open in autumn

These ski areas are already open in autumn

The meteorological autumn started on September 1st. The days are getting shorter, the temperatures are significantly colder during the night and the early autumn storms will make our heart beat faster in the coming months. A good storm with lots of snow is enough for the first lines through some fresh snow.

More and more resorts are opening their lifts in the coming weeks. It will be mainly glacier resorts just below the highest peaks of the Alps. A glacier resort is ideal for the first meters on the slopes, but certainly not perfect for the first powder next to the slopes (understatement). The glaciers have suffered during a (again) warm summer. Snow bridges have collapsed and/or completely melted and glacier crevasses deepened.

Which resorts are open during autumn?

Traditionally the glacier resorts open their slopes in autumn. Take into account that a lot of racing teams will use the glacier for training for the coming racing season.

In addition, not all lifts on the glaciers will open immediately. But a number of resorts are already open and every week I will give you an overview of the current status. You’ll find an overview of what is open now and what the planned opening dates for the other areas are.

Opening dates are based on experiences from the past. The current weather conditions ultimately determine whether an area opens or stays closed. Check the weather before you leave and check with the area that they are open and which lifts are expected to run.





was born with maps of ski areas in the cradle and has visited almost all of them. His great passion is freeriding.
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