Snow forecast: next 6 days

  • 1cm
  • 5cm
  • 10cm
  • 15cm
  • 20cm
  • 30cm
  • 40cm
  • 50cm
  • 75cm
  • 100+
The latest weather forecast
Drier weather but avalanche risk remains high

The big dump is over and high pressure is taking over the reigns.

Most snowfall

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Drier weather but avalanche risk remains high

The big dump is over and high pressure is taking over the reigns.

PA#4: short update and high avalanche danger

Time for a quick update on PA#4. Avalanche danger has risen significantly, so extra caution is essential.

PA4: Snowy week with 30 to 80 cm on a large scale

It's time for Powder Alert 4 of this season: snow days ahead!

At least half a meter of snow regionally in the coming week

Snow conditions are mostly below average but the situation at altitude will improve in the coming week.

Oceanic hurricane lows create mild conditions on the continent

Sveral very deep depressions will move over the Atlantic Ocean towards the British Isles, causing a mild southwesterly flow over the continent.

Changeable second half of the week

After the small Retour d'Est snowfall in Italy we'll see some fresh snow for the French Alps in the upcoming days.

Light Retour d’Est - transition to changeable weather?

Quite a bit of snow on the maps for the Italian southwest, but will it actually happen?

Some snow in Austria today, the sun will be back tomorrow

Today, a front will bring some fresh snow to the eastern Alps. After that, sunny high-pressure weather will return, but for how long?

Some snow for Austria on Wednesday

Little snow is expected. On Wednesday, it will snow briefly in the eastern Austrian Alps, but otherwise, it will remain dry.

High pressure brings sunshine, cold start of the week

After a week with multiple disturbances, the air pressure is rising significantly. The result is more and more sun and some milder weather later on.