Travis Rice: TRUFFLE PIGS, An Alaskan Odyssey

Travis Rice: TRUFFLE PIGS, An Alaskan Odyssey

Last winter, Travis Rice and Chris Rasman went deep into Alaska’s Tordillo Mountains. Their trip coincided with about five feet of fresh snow — which was followed up by about 100 MPH winds. This lead to long days of searching and even longer nights in the lodge, sipping exotic wines and contemplating fate or at least thinking about where, oh where, those pockets of good snow might be hiding.

Truffle Pigs?

By the end of it, Travis and Chris started to feel like truffle pigs — animals known for their acute ability to find rare objects or situations. You know, like geographical oddities and good snow. In other words, they nailed it. Hit play and enjoy. You’ll walk away inspired to be a truffle pig in your very own special way. This a quite an amazing production from Quiksilver!

was born with maps of ski areas in the cradle and has visited almost all of them. His great passion is freeriding.
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