Girlpowder: 19 november Girlpowder movie: ‚As we are‘

Girlpowder: 19 november Girlpowder movie: ‚As we are‘

[url=]19 november is het zo ver[/url], dan vindt de Nederlandse première plaats van de skifilm ´As we are´in Amsterdam. Deze film is gemaakt door 6 vrouwelijke freeriders. Voor girlpowder heb ik 2 van hun sterren mogen interviewen, namelijk Lorraine Huber (over de FWT) en Sandra. Sandra is de
initiatiefneemster van de film en met haar sprak ik over het maken van de film.


[b]Tell me something about the movie. How was it to do a girl production only?[/b]
;-) I still remember myself on the phone with my freeride buddy Melissa Presslaber, talking about the
idea to organize an all-girls ski movie. Amazing how big this little idea went within the past year…
I wanna say thanks to my project partner Mathias Bergmann, and our supporters:
Gore-Tex® our presenting sponsor and our project sponsors Gastein and the SBSSV (The ski instructor
association of Salzburg – I am sure lots of Dutch people know this as they offer special ski instructor
courses for Dutch people.) „As We Are“ is a celebration of women’s skiing in a male-dominated world of sports where female
athletes are notably absent in most ski movies.

[b]What do you want to share with us about the movie?[/b]
The 48 minute full-HD film will take you on a journey of how the six female freeride athletes from
the Alps come together at my home spot Gastein, Austria after receiving my invitation.

[b]Why do we have to see it?[/b]
„As We Are“ is more than just great ski action in the backcountry. It tells the story of six freeride girls
who started their journey as strangers and end up being friends. A journey which takes them to the
best snow and backcountry terrain in the Alps. This ski movie, shows beautiful ski footage and will
definitely motivate to go out for skiing. We had so much fun during the season and experienced a lot
on our trips. We would like to inspire others, mainly girls, to go out for skiing and have the time of
life but also talk about the risk of avalanches, which is also part of the life of a freerider.

[b]Where was it filmed?[/b]
We started our roadtrip at my home spot GASTEIN, then headed to Lech, Eastern Tyrol, Hochfügen
and Verbier. (They visited each others home mountains.) The shooting for the intro we did at the
Casino, it was amazing.

[b]Tell me something about your co-riders in the film.[/b]
There is Melissa „Duracell“ Presslaber, we are friends since years – she was into the project from the
very beginning, always motivating and supporting me. Unfortunately Mel had to deal with another
knee injury during the season but again („duracell“) managed it in an admiring way. I was so happy
when Italian freeskier Giulia Monego and Laura Bohleber (SUI) confirmed in summer 2009 to be part
of the girls project – both are so experienced riders and great girls! I loved to ski with them.
Then there is Pia Widmesser, the girl I spent more nights in bed with during winter than with my
boyfriend ;-)) We really got super good friends and to ski with her is very motivating! Austrian
Lorraine Huber dropped into the project in fall 2010. She is a very experience skier and it was super
good to have her in our team.

[b]Is it maybe coming to Holland? Will you be there too?[/b]
YES!! „As We Are“, a girls ski movie presented by Gore-Tex® will be screened at the Dutch Freeski
Film Festival in Amsterdam on the 19th November 2010. And – Pia and I will be there and party with
YOU! ;-) We are really happy we got the invitation!!

[b]What advice do you have for girls who want to ride big and maybe even go pro? What would be
the best way for them to accomplish this?[/b]
If skiing is your passion and you really want it – GO for it!! Very important is to be in a good physical and mental shape so go into a gym to get power and strenght in(to) your legs, your whole body.
For Big Mountain skiing you also need experience, knowledge of the snow, conditions, weather…
as there is always a remaining risk of avalanches, even when it is a perfect blue bird day. Having the
right safety equipment (pieper, probe, shovel, backpack) with you is absolutely compulsory. But also
take your chance to ski with experienced riders in the mountains or join a freeride camp. Maybe the
best way to get into a sponsorship is to compete and succeed. ;-) We would love to have more girls
out there!! I hope we can inspire lots of girls with the movie „As We Are“.



kanskiAuthor2 November 2010 · 22:56

Moeten we in januari een meeting met Giulia organiseren? Kan je haar ook interviewen misschien.

Never ski faster than your guardian Angel can fly!
meteomorrisAuthor3 November 2010 · 07:58

@Kanski… goed bezig voor kleine Juulski… (oeps, mag ik dat wel zeggen… ‘kleine’… )
JuulskiAuthor3 November 2010 · 09:25

@ Sander, ja heel graag!! Zij werkt toch bij dezelfe skischool als jij? Wilde dit nl toch al aan je vragen maar je was me voor ; -)

en morris… tja ik ben dan ook best wel klein…

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